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Fundraise for your team with custom t-shirts

JDRF has partnered with crowdfundraising partner, Bonfire, to make it easier than ever to raise money for your team.
Go to Walk Center
Login to your Walk Center and click the 'get started' button to launch your t-shirt fundraiser.
100% risk free • No inventory
T-shirt with a One Walk design template.

Start a custom t-shirt fundraiser and raise money for your JDRF fundraiser!

Here’s how it works

Number 1

Choose your designs and products

We’re here to help you create your designs for your team shirts! Start with a JDRF template or create your own design.

Number 2

Launch & promote your new team shirts

Screenshot of a Bonfire campaign page with JDRF One Walk template.
Pencil line drawing
Tell your story

Connect with your community by customizing your personal t-shirt fundraising page with your story and pictures.

Heart line drawing
Showcase money raised

Show the amount you’ve raised & number of supporters behind your t-shirt fundraiser.

Number 3

When your campaign ends, shirts are printed & shipped for you

Sit back as orders are printed and sent directly to your supporters as soon as your t-shirt fundraiser has ended.

Child at a One Walk event
Number 4

JDRF receives the funds you have raised and your fundraising total is synced with your fundraising page

100% of the campaign proceeds and additional donations will be sent to JDRF. These funds are automatically synced with your JDRF fundraising page!

Get Started

Go to your Walk Center

Click the t-shirt fundraising ‘Get Started’ button in your Walk Center. If you can’t see it, click here to search for your location.